Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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Socio-Economic Governance

In 2002, 55 percent of global conflicts existed in Africa, falling to 24 percent by 2011. By November 2017, there were 15 conflict situations in Africa, all exhibiting the crime of trafficking in women. Modern forms of violent conflict have blurred the lines between traditional battlefields and combatants and civilian spaces and populations. The proliferation of cross border movement in arms and narcotics, terrorism and violent extremism have fuelled national and regional conflicts with an intangible, often faceless yet violent corps of belligerents that target civilians, particularly women and children.

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This is an abridged version of the much longer Beijing Declaration. The abridged version includes the key resolutions and recommendations.

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Chapter 1: “Resolutions Adopted by the Summit”, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August – 4 September, 2002. This abstract identifies some of the key sections of the WSSD declaration.

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This abstract identifies the key sections of the standard and the obligations it imposes on governments. Adopted July 1990 OAU and entered into force 29 November 1999

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This article provides useful insights regarding the right to development that is noted in various international declarations. (by Stephen Marks)

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How Africans access – or ‘own’ – their landholdings is a matter of profound importance for the continent’s future. It touches on social welfare as well as prospects for economic development. This policy briefing provides an overview of the land question, drawing heavily on the Country Review Reports (CRRs) of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). It argues that weak property rights are a major problem for Africa, but cautions against an assumption that full titling is an immediate solution. Rather, drawing on existing informal rights regimes in Africa – and gradually building formalised systems on this basis – offers a more promising avenue for creating effective and durable systems of property rights aligned with the continent’s realities. (by Terence Corrigan)

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This guide assesses how participatory processes like the IMF backed PRSP process achieve what they intend to achieve with public participation.

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