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Analyses of the APRM

This section includes reviews and analyses of the APRM from academics, research bodies and conferences dedicated to the subject.

In 2003 African leaders asked the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the OECD to undertake periodic reviews of progress in delivering these commitments (by the Economic Commission for Africa and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

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This paper discusses the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in the context of responsiveness and accountability (by Sanusha Naidu)

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This paper analyses Africa’s continental integration process is through three interrelated paradoxes: sovereignty, value and interest ( by Martin Welz)

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The Rwandan peer review report submitted in June 2005 showed the progress and shortcomings in economic governance.

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The paper examines whether given African problems of political disorder and economic malfunction, it is likely that democratic processes as advocated by NEPAD are going to succeed.

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This paper focuses on the theoretical opportunities inherent in the processes of the APRM as well as the practical challenges it faces.

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A review of the strengths and weaknesses of peer review written at the inception of the mechanism. (by Ross Herbert, SAIIA)

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The paper provides a descriptive analysis of the African Peer Review Mechanism and applauds it for being an African initiative to promote democracy on the continent.

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This paper examines the role played by traditional justice mechanisms in dealing with the legacy of violent conflict in five African countries.

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This practical handbook - designed primarily for technical research institutes, but of value to anyone involved in any capacity.

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This article discusses how the use of public opinion surveys could assist the APRM in its reviews (by Robert Mattes)

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Membership of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), which stands at 35 of the 54 states of the AU, is based on voluntary accession. Speculation about making participation mandatory has long existed but is a mistake. As a voluntary process, the APRM is almost wholly reliant on the perceived credibility and desirability of its processes and reports to remain relevant and attract new member states. Evidence suggests that Africa’s more open societies, which tend to have acceded voluntarily, are best placed to produce the credible reports that will underpin this. Mandatory accession to the APRM would actually undermine it. (by Terence Corrigan)  pdf  View file (68.65 kB)

This investigates why nothing was done in order to implement the APRM report's recommendations with regard to the problems it has identified during the country review of Kenya (2008) (by Bronwen Manby)

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